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try a free trial classThe Importance of Uniforms in the Martial Arts
Uniforms in the martial arts are not simply a dress code. One of our foundational principles – the self-discipline of the Dragon – is embodied by the act of putting on the uniform, and wearing our uniforms helps students develop this important life skill. We must maintain our uniform, keeping all of the pieces together and ensuring that it’s neat and clean. We must plan and prioritize our time to put on our uniform before class. Learning to tie our belts properly requires patience and control. And putting on the uniform puts us in a mental space of being ready to practice: we’ve done this preparation, and now it’s time to focus. We look around at our colleagues and friends in class, and we see that collectively we are prepared and ready.
Our uniform (called a gi) consists of gi pants, a Shaolin Studios t-shirt, and a gi top. Students may wear their Shaolin Studios t-shirt, gi pants, and belt as their required uniform in class. The full uniform – gi top, gi pants, and Shaolin Studios t-shirt – is required when testing.
We recommend that students wear the full uniform, including the gi top, in class at least some of the time. Wearing the gi top in class can help students get used to it in preparation for a test. Did you know that the material of the uniform also provides tactile and auditory feedback on how well a student is punching or kicking? The material of the gi will make a snapping sound when throwing a proper punch or kick with power. We can also feel the material of the gi brush against us when we’re keeping our arms and legs close to our center core, essential principles for balance and power.
Just as the belt we wear indicates our rank, at our studio uniform color also indicates rank and special achievement. Everyone begins their training as a white belt and can wear either a white or black uniform. At Black Belt, students may mix and match the black and white pants and gi top. Fourth degree Black Belts may opt to wear the red gi top, while our Chief Instructor is the only one who may wear a blue one. Senior Master Lisa, Senior Master Steve, and Master Michele may wear gray uniform tops indicating their Master-level status, and Grandmaster Steve DeMasco typically wears a uniform trimmed with gold.
Our uniforms – emblazoned with the Dragon – are an essential part of our practice and the development of self-discipline. If you have questions or need help with a uniform, please talk with Master Michele.