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At least once a month, we’ll publish stories of our students’ journeys, events at the dojo, or in-depth analyses of techniques. Subscribing to our blog is a great way to get to know our dojo community of students and instructors!
Your Journey
try a free trial classMarch Newsletter 2024
Aaahhhh, Spring! Maybe the groundhog was right this year. You can start to feel the days getting longer and the temperatures rising, giving us the urge to get out and be active. We look forward to seeing you in classes and at some of our great events in March — Spring Board Break, our Ground Defense Clinic, and more! Read about what’s coming below. Please make a note that the studio will be closed on Friday, March 29 and Saturday, March 30.
A reminder about the importance of uniforms: Uniforms in the martial arts are not simply a dress code. One of our foundational principles – the self-discipline of the Dragon – is embodied by the act of putting on the uniform. Our requirement to wear uniforms helps students develop this important life skill. Wearing the uniform also puts us in a mental space of being ready to practice; we’ve done this preparation, and now it’s time to focus. Read more about the importance of uniforms in this month’s blog.
Our uniform (called a gi) consists of gi pants, a Shaolin Studios t-shirt, and a gi top. Students may wear their Shaolin Studios t-shirt, gi pants, and belt as their required uniform in class. The full uniform – gi top, gi pants, and Shaolin Studios t-shirt – is required when testing. If you have questions or need help with a uniform, we are happy to talk with you.